SURVEY Privacy Notice
Your participation is voluntary. You are entitled to ask that part, or all, of the record of your involvement in the survey be deleted or destroyed up to the point at which data is anonymised.
This survey is published and managed by Careers After Babies Ltd. We take your concerns about privacy seriously and make every reasonable effort to respect it.
In obtaining your cooperation to participate in the survey, we promise not to mislead you in any way about the nature of the research we are conducting, the way in which the data is collected and the use that will be made of the results.
We are committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy. When designing and executing our research, we have taken all necessary steps to ensure that personal information you provide is processed fairly and lawfully. Personal information is defined as any details that will enable you to be identified, such parental status, number of children or age bracket.
We do not sell, rent or exchange any personal information supplied by you to any third party. Nor do we use any of the information you provide for direct marketing or other non-research activities.
Only authorised employees from Careers After Babies have access to personal information and they are obliged to respect its confidentiality. Any data passed to sub-contractors for processing is fully anonymised meaning you cannot be recognised. We monitor our internal procedures regularly to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory requirements in all that we do, including the Data Protection Act 1998.
What we do with the information that we gather from survey responses
We have two purposes in gathering this information from you:
1 Careers After Babies accreditation for your organisation
We will use your data to assess how your organisation currently is performing against the Careers After Babies framework, with the aim of improving your organisation's policy, process and practice in relation to working parents. The output will be a report to your organisation, which groups your responses with other survey participants.
If we ask you for personal information (such as how many children you have and whether you were breast feeding for example), we will clearly state why we are asking for it. If you do not give your permission for it to be used you should skip that question. All of the information that you provide will be treated as confidential.
Note that if you provide any information that identifies you as an individual, it will not be reported back to your organisation. These answers will instead be combined with those gathered from other survey participants and, and will be analysed as part of a group. Response groups of less than five people will not be reported nor will they be used to break down any further question responses.
2 Careers After Babies research
We will also use your data to further our work in relation to driving broader change in industry for working parents. This may include white papers for specific industries or to lobby the government for change.
For this purpose all data will be fully anonymised. Neither you nor your organisation will be identifiable by Careers After Babies or any of our sub-contractors.